2017 Shasta Forestry Challenge – Highest Scoring Team Presentation
[embeddoc url=”https://forestrychallenge.org/wp-content/uploads/TEAM-18.pptx” download=”none” viewer=”microsoft”]
[embeddoc url=”https://forestrychallenge.org/wp-content/uploads/TEAM-18.pptx” download=”none” viewer=”microsoft”]
LINK TO 2017 APPLICATION For the last two years, Redwood Empire, a division of Pacific States Industries and the Burch Family, has awarded scholarships to assist students who plan to obtain a college degree in Forestry and participated in one or more California Forestry Challenge events. Recipients must be enrolled full time in a four-year
Thank you for signing up to volunteer for the Forestry Challenge! Your responses were successfully submitted and you will receive an automated email confirmation of your submission. We will contact you if we have any questions. Please mark your volunteer dates on your calendar. We will send you an email reminder a few weeks prior
Students enrolled in grades 9 through 12 are eligible to participate. Community college students may participate if the facility can accommodate them, as determined by the FC coordinator. Teams will consist of two to five students from the same school, home school, tribe, or scouting group. More than one team may enter from each school
DESCRIPTION The Forestry Challenge is an academic event for high school students in technical forestry and current forestry topics. Since its inception in 2003, the program has grown from one event to six, a complete buildout of the program in California. Participants spend four days in the forest learning about the ecology and management of
Hello Parents! Thank you for your interest in the California Forestry Challenge. The Forestry Challenge is a competitive forestry event for high school students with three goals: Your child will learn the basics of the science of forestry, and understand how math and science taught on campus apply to the “real world “. Your
Hello Students! Just a note about technology for the Sequoia Forestry Challenge. First of all, each team should have one laptop to use in preparation of their focus topic presentation. PCs are preferred. If you bring a Mac, you will need to be able to convert files so they are PC friendly, and also have
Sequoia Teachers: We thought this page would help you most efficiently if it was organized as a list with links to items you will need as you work through the process. File fieldtrip request paperwork with your district, using information from the site address document and event flier. If necessary, you can use last year’s Teacher Evaluation Form Summary to
Sequoia Forestry Challenge – Wednesday through Saturday, October 11 to 14, 2017 Welcome to our 2017 pre-registered participants (*denotes new schools): *Dinuba Eleanor Roosevelt *Golden Valley *Hanford Minarets Monache Porterville Sequoia Quaker Meadow Camp Like a pinball, the event site for the Sequoia Forestry Challenge has been bouncing around for the past three years,