I. Participant Eligibility

  1. Students enrolled in grades 9 through 12 are eligible to participate.  Community college and middle school students may participate if the facility can accommodate them, at the discretion of the Forestry Challenge (FC) Coordinator.
  2. Teams will consist of two to five students from the same school, homeschool, or scouting group, tribe, club, or affiliated organization (subsequently referred to as “school”).  More than one team may enter from each school as space permits.  There may be a need to restrict the number of students per school, depending on the facility’s capacity.
  3. An adult chaperone must accompany each school. The chaperone can be a teacher, staff member, or approved parent from that school.  One chaperone can supervise more than one team from the same school, as housing arrangements permit. All chaperones must be fingerprinted and approved to chaperone by their local school district.
  4. For schools bringing only one adult, an additional adult of the opposite gender must be available on standby to ensure proper overnight supervision. Schools will be notified the day after the registration deadline if additional adults are required to ensure correct ratios.
  5. Each participant must arrive with all applicable Liability, Medical, and Media Release Forms fully signed in order to participate. These forms must be turned in at registration or received prior to the event.
  6. Only registered participants with signed forms will be allowed on site.
  7. Chaperones and students will check in together unless prior arrangements are made with the FC Coordinator.
  8. At least one school chaperone must be on site with their students at all times to ensure that team members display proper conduct during the event and at the host facility.

II. Participant Behavior

  1. Participants will report any illness or personal emergency to the Coordinator or designated staff.
  2. If participants break or damage the property of the FC or the host site, they are responsible for reporting the damage and paying for its repair.
  3. All students must attend and fully participate in all scheduled activities, in the designated locations for those activities.
  4. Although chaperones must attend all activities to properly supervise students, they are not allowed to actively participate in field testing or focus topic presentation preparation.
  5. Students must report to and stay in their assigned cabins or dormitories at the designated time at the end of each day. Facility housing will be described in advance, and if it does not meet the needs of one or more students, the advisor must ask for alternate arrangements in advance of the start of the event. If acceptable accommodations are available, there may be a charge for these alternative arrangements.
  6. No students or chaperones are allowed to leave the host site without approval.
  7. Tobacco, drugs, vaping, and alcohol are prohibited for all parties during the entirety of the event.
  8. Participants are expected to behave in a professional manner, consistent with behavior appropriate to the workplace.  Harassment, bullying, and any form of discrimination is NOT appropriate workplace behavior.  Any observance or reporting of such actions will be thoroughly investigated and disciplined.  Disciplinary actions can include disqualification and/or dismissal from the event.

III. Registration Deposit and Deadlines

  1. A completed online registration form and deposits must be submitted 12 days before the start of the event.
    Registration form due dates are as follows:
    • Shasta FC registration is due September 13
    • Santa Cruz FC registration is due September 27
    • El Dorado FC registration is due October 11
    • San Bernardino FC Session 1 registration is due October 25
    • San Bernardino FC Session 2 registration is due November 1
  2. There is no registration fee for the 2024 event season. Instead, a $250 per School refundable deposit will be required.
  3. The deposit is due 12 days before the start of the event, either as a check postmarked as of that date or as a PayPal deposit. Checks should be made payable to Forestry Educators Incorporated and mailed to 3140 Sierrama Dr, Shingle Springs, CA 95682. PayPal deposits are preferred and can be made to the holding account linked here.
    • Include the school name in the memo line.
    • Please make only one payment per school.
    • Contact FC Coordinator if parents are making deposits for individual students.
  4. An online invoice generator is available here to teachers to assist with the payment process.
  5. Deposits will be refunded in full with 75% attendance of registered students or greater. If attendance for the school drops below 75%, the entire deposit will be forfeited. A breakdown chart is available at the bottom of the page.
  6. In the event a registered student drops out after the deadline, a new student can be substituted to maintain attendance. If the substitution happens 5 days or more prior to the event, there is no restriction as to who can be swapped. If less than 5 days prior, the student substituted must be of the same gender to maintain housing arrangements.

IV. Competition Components and Expectations

  1. The FC scoring has two parts: a Field Test and a Presentation.  These two parts will be scored separately.  The Field Test will be worth 60% and the Presentation will be worth 40% of the total score. The point ratio for Championships will be 60% Presentation and 40% Test.
  2. The Field Test is completed as a team and is comprehensive, with many questions using props and tools such as tree specimens and forestry equipment. Copies of the test key will be posted after all testing is complete for viewing only.  Photography of the test key is prohibited.  The FC Coordinator or designee will be available to answer questions.
  3. Test questions will be developed using the FC Learning Objectives and reference materials linked to the Objectives as a guide but are not necessarily limited to those items. Knowledge of basic ecological concepts and information presented during the event may be tested as well.
  4. The use of personal electronic devices such as cell phones is not allowed during field testing, presentation prep time (besides for transferring pictures), and the final morning while in the waiting area. Devices will be confiscated if deemed necessary by authorized staff and volunteers.
  5. Students will not be allowed to use their reference materials, including cellular devices, during the Field Test. All materials needed during the Field Test, including identification keys, reference materials, calculators, and equipment, will be provided at the testing stations.
  6. Any written and electronic materials teams bring to the event and gather while at the event may be used during presentation prep time. Laptop computers will be used, and there will be equal access to wireless internet when available. Hotspot devices will be allowed as determined by the FC Coordinator.
  7. Students will not be allowed to review presentation materials outside of designated presentation work times. 
  8. At the beginning of the presentation schedule, students and chaperones will be gathered in one area to wait until their presentation time begins. Chaperones will be allowed to attend presentations by their school.
  9. Each team’s Field Test and Presentation scores will be totaled, and overall place awards will be given accordingly. All participants will receive a certificate of participation.

V. Other

  1. Transportation to, from, and during an event will be the responsibility of each participating team unless transportation is provided during an event.
  2. Students may attend more than one regular event during the fall season. If a team with one or more repeating students places in the top 5, that team will not displace a team that is competing for the first time that season.
  3. Students and chaperones will be asked to complete an evaluation form at the conclusion of the event.
  4. Grievances must be submitted in writing to the FC Coordinator by the end of the review period immediately following the Field Test or the Presentation portion of the event. Grievances will be reviewed by the Coordinator and discussed with involved judges and/or volunteers. The Coordinator’s decisions are final.
  5. FC rules are subject to change by the Coordinator. Any changes will be explained in advance to all teams and chaperones.
  6. Host site/facility rules will be enforced in addition to FC Rules.
  7. Any infraction of any of the FC Rules may result in disqualification and/or dismissal from the event and the host site.
Number of Registered Students Final Number Without Penalty
3 3
4 3
5 4
6 5
7 6
8 6
9 7
10 8
11 9
12 9
13 10
14 11
15 12
16 12

Updated August 8, 2024