Here are some highlights of the four-day Forestry Challenge schedule.

Here is a teacher-made video of What Happens at Forestry Challenge

Registration: When you arrive, you will turn in your release form(s), sign the photo matte your school will take home, and pick up your t-shirt.

Wednesday Evening Assembly: We gather to introduce everyone, go over the ground rules and safety info, and introduce the Focus Topic.

Wednesday Evening Activity: After the opening lecture, there is a fun activity, like Cruiser’s Bingo, a night hike, or frisbee in the meadow.

Thursday Morning Training: With your training worksheet in hand, you will rotate to various stations to learn how to use forestry tools from the experts.

Thursday Afternoon Field trip: Thursday afternoon is spent out in the field, visiting the Focus Topic Case Study site, collecting data, and exploring the area.

Thursday Evening Presentation Prep: It’s a long evening of interpreting data and coming up with a solution to the Focus Topic Question. You will have two or more appointments with an “Ask a Forester” to help you sort things out.

Friday Field Testing: Once you have mastered the tools and knowledge, you and your team will work together to take the Field Test, a rigorous but rewarding experience.


Friday Free Time: During your free time rotation, you will get a chance to recreate in the forest. Depending on the facility, activities include zip lining, ropes courses, or just hanging out, playing games like volleyball or ping pong.

Friday Pacing Contest: Also during scheduled free time is the ever-popular Pacing Contest, where schools try to pace a 66-foot distance without a tape measure. School pride is on the line!

Friday Night Presentation Prep: There will be a few last hours to put the polish on your presentation, then turn it in.

Friday Night Social Time: By this time, you will have made lots of new friends, and you’ll have a chance to hang out with them at a campfire or in a game room.

Saturday Morning Presentations: You’ll put on your professional clothes, or wear your Forestry Challenge t-shirts to give your presentation to a panel of judges. Don’t be nervous – your new knowledge will help you knock it out of the park!

Saturday Morning Awards: You’ll meet the judges, get your school photo to take home, and hear the event results. High fives all around!