Hello Students!  Here are a few notes about technology for the 2024 San Bernardino Forestry Challenge.

  • Each team should bring one laptop to use for presentation prep. Windows PCs are preferred. More than one laptop per team is allowed, but not necessary.
  • Your laptop must have:
    • At least 1 USB-A port
    • 1 HDMI port
    • Powerpoint software – No Internet-dependent programs (Prezi, Google Slides, etc.)
  • IF YOU BRING A MAC, you must be able to convert files so they are .PPTX OR have an HDMI adapter to connect to a projector.
  • If you need a laptop, there are a few available for loan, but please let us know in advance if you want to check one out. (Please do not rely on our laptops, they are passible, but your own will be better)
  • You will receive a flash drive with focus topic related materials to use in your presentation.  You can also bring any background information about the focus topic that you think will help you in your presentation.
  • Hume SoCal DOES NOT have open Wi-Fi and cell service is weak at best.  It will be difficult to do any online research.
  • A camera that can hard-wire transfer photos to your laptop is highly recommended.

If you have any questions about technology at the San Bernardino Forestry Challenge, please email Diane.  Thanks!

Download or print the Forestry Challenge Instruction Manual & Study Guide to use in conjunction with the following learning objectives

San Bernardino Forestry Challenge Learning Objectives

Ecology, Botany, and Plant Identification

  1. Understand the fundamental life processes of plants including photosynthesis and transpiration.
  2. Know the basic parts of a tree and their functions.
  3. Understand basic ecological concepts including food webs, succession, competition, adaptation, and symbiosis.
  4. Understand concepts associated with forests, including stand composition, stand density, and crown classification.
  5. Be familiar with the four most common forest plant communities in California, and know their approximate ranges.
  6. Identify with common names the following tree species without a key, and know their approximate ranges in California:
  7. Identify specific species of trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants through the use of a dichotomous identification key.  Be familiar with basic terminology related to leaf morphology.

Timber Cruising and Forest Products

  1. Know how to prepare for conducting forestry fieldwork, including clothing, safety gear, and environmental hazards.
  2. Be familiar with the process of Data Collection.
  3. Know how to pace a chain.
  4. Know how to use the following forestry tools: clinometerangle gauge [angle gauge 2], densitometer, compass, densitometer, and diameter tape. For information on purchasing your own set of tools, see our recommended tools list. All of these tools can be purchased from Forestry Suppliers, Inc.
  5. Interpret volume tables and site class tables using raw data.
  6. Determine forest species composition using a 1/10 acre square plot.
  7. Interpret maps, including but not limited to township/range/section, ownership, distances/scale, directional headings, and topography.
  8. Understand why and how forests are managed to produce timber, and what products are derived from timber.

2024 Featured Curriculum: Emerging Technologies in Forestry

  1. Be familiar with Tree Swift, read about its technology, and know what it does. See their website here.
  2. Be familiar with Kodama Systems, watch their short video, and understand the goals of their technology.
  3. Be familiar with BurnBot, know the application for the device, and its advantages over other methods. See their website here.
  4. Be familiar with Rain, know what the company is proposing, and what sets this system apart from more traditional methods. See their website here.

2024 Focus Topic: Mixed Conifer-Oak Woodland Forest Restoration at Hubert Eaton Scout Reservation

For these learning objectives, refer to the appropriate PDF page numbers on the HESR Forest Management Plan

  1. Be familiar with the location of Hubert Eaton Scout Reservation (page 29)
  2. Understand the history of the property, particularly the Old Fire in 2003 and Slide Fire in 2007 (page 7)
  3. Know the four forest types on the property (page 8)
  4. Be familiar with the landowner’s forest management objectives (page 18)

Learning Resources